Some Habits You Know

But writing them down makes them more real

Caroline M
2 min readFeb 2, 2020
  1. Read every night before bed. Get off your phone or laptop. Give yourself 30 minutes to relax before trying to sleep. Maybe 20 minutes of reading.
  2. Exercise more than twice a week. Feeling stuck? When was the last time you worked out? Probably not super recently.
  3. Talk to new people often. Interactions with new people will give you energy. It reminds you of the human experience outside of your daily routine. It also pushes you out of your comfort zone, and gives you a chance to be courageous.
  4. Try to only look at social media once a day, if at all.
  5. Ask why
  6. Speak the truth — try your hardest to say what you mean. Being confrontational feels terrible in the moment, but always serves you in the long run. You’ll have to face it eventually. Why not get it over with?
  7. Go to bed before midnight, even better if before 11 or 10:30
  8. To keep in mental balance, remember the things that help you feel invigorated in life: continued learning, change of perspective, talking to new people.
  9. Eat fats and proteins in the morning, not sugar and carbs. You’ll feel a difference in your energy levels the entire day.
  1. Take time and effort to discover the things you ACTUALLY like. What makes you feel like you’re living? Then write it down. Try to find a pattern.
  2. Concentrate on the people you spend your time with. Do they make you feel strong, make you think, allow you to explain how you’re feeling? More importantly, do they proactively asks about how you’re doing? Not just, how are you? But real questions that would show that they’re genuinely interested in who you are at this moment.
  1. Do yoga or meditation once a week, or at least take 15 minutes to concentrate on your breathing.
  2. Make your bed every day
  3. Write
  4. Make music, make art, dance — feel free
  1. Learn
  2. Experience
  3. Breathe

